©2013 Elektron & Switch House
Residents Association.
All Rights Reserved.

Elektron Switch House

Welcome to the Elektron & Switch House residents association website, which was formed in March 2010. This site has been created to help property owners and residents communicate better with Consort Property Management.

If you have any suggestions or improvements to the website, all comments are welcome and you can email them to info@elektronresidents.co.uk

If you are interested in attending a residents meeting, or would like to receive a copy of the minutes from previous meetings, please send an email to info@elektronresidents.co.uk with your name, address and email address.

If you are looking for telephone numbers and email addresses for Peverel or Barratt, please visit the contacts page where this information is available.

A notice board has been created where anyone wishing to promote services, sell items, or buy/rent car parking spaces can do so. Please send an email to info@elektronresidents.co.uk with the details.